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Onboard website is edited and published by Hylights sàrl (hereinafter referred to as "Hylights") a company having offices at 42 rue des prés, L-7246 Helmsange, Luxembourg and registered on the Luxembourg Commercial Register No B102299 and VAT No. LU 2023 5659.

These general terms shall govern the relations between parties, excluding all other general or particular terms from the Client. All clauses herein apply by mutual consent and form the legal basis between the parties. Any details not expressly detailed herein will be dealt with the reference to the current legislation of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.


  1. All binding orders placed by the Client imply the unreserved acceptance of the present terms and conditions. A binding order includes any detailed and priced offer from Hylights, which the Client has duly accepted by, for example, returning an offer or quotation received (including by simple email reply).

  2. Similarly when entering the Onboard website secured area and before placing an order, the Client is deemed to have consulted, read and accepted these terms and conditions.

  3. The goods are deemed certified if no complaint has been formulated by the Client by writing or email with acknowledgement of receipt by Hylights, within 5 working days of its receipt. In the absence of an acknowledgment of receipt by Hylights, it shall be presumed that Hylights has not been notified about the complaint.

  4. A +/- 10% difference in the delivered quantity should be considered as acceptable by the client. The actually delivered goods will be invoiced by the Hylights only.


Samples upon request. One sample per product. Cost based on offer + 15 € delivery fees. Amount deducted from your invoice if you place an order for the same product for a value of 500€ Htva.


  1. The delivery time is given indicatively and based on the information received from the provider. It’s defi­ned as the time period between the e-proof confirmation by the Client and the depar­ture of the goods from the provider’s factory. The delivery time pro­vided by Hylights will therefore never include the transportation period, customs delay or any other delay related to the delivery of the goods.

  2. The delivery time may be extended if the Client does not communicate all necessary elements for the proper execution of the timely order or if the Client fails to meet his contractual obligations, namely the payment conditions.

  3. Unless an imperative time period has been explicitly stipulated by the Client and was explicitly accepted by Hylights sàrl, any delay in delivering shall neither lead to a cancellation of the order nor to a compensation whatsoever.

  4. Any delay in the transportation shall neither lead to the cancellation of the order nor to a compensation whatsoever.

  5. Deliveries are free of charges for Luxembourg. Outside Luxembourg, an estimate including the insurance fees will be sent to the client. This estimate doesn't include the customs fees or any other taxes nor a potential fuel surcharge.



   The prices are those set out in the final offer which have been  

   accepted by the Client. Such acceptance may result from the Client's

    email reply to an offer/quote.


  Payment conditions

  1. Up to 5.000 €: 30 days netto, invoice date, no discount.

  2. From 5.000 to 10.000€: 50% pay down when ordering, Balance 30 days netto, invoice date, no discount.

  3. From: 10.000€ up to… 50% pay down when ordering and balance before delivery, netto, no discount.
    NB: Hylights sàrl reserves the right not to deliver the products if prior payment has not been made.

  4. The invoices are validly sent by email. By means of accepting these general terms, the Client agrees upon the fact that the invoices will be validly com­municated by email.

  5. The invoices are payable at the due date mentioned on the invoice. Every delay in the payment of the invoices will automatically and without any notice give rise to a lump-sum compensation as per the law of 18 April 2004 concerning payment periods and interest on late payment will be applied in the case of late payment (30 days upon invoice receipt date). Current interest rate is 8%. This rate is revised every semester and published at Memorial B.
    In addition, any payment reminder letter sent, will be taxed 20 Eur Htva.

  6. There will be no liability in case of “force majeure”.


Samples upon request. One sample per product. Cost based on offer + 15 € delivery fees. Amount deducted from your invoice if you place an order for the same product for a value of 750€ Htva.


No modification or cancellation of an order shall be taken into account by Hylights after order confirmation.


Hylights shall only be liable of an obligation of reasonable care for the execution of its obligations. Hylights shall only be liable for severe and/or intentional faults. Hylights will not be liable for any damages caused to the Client merchandise by a Partner Enterprise.


The Client formally authorizes Hylights to collect, retain and deal with his/her personal data. Such information will be integrated into a database of Hylights in the form of a client file and shall be used for billing, for carrying out any orders placed and for statistical purposes. Hylights shall use all reasonable means to ensure the confidentiality of such information by itself .
The Client has the right to demand corrections, updates and/or the deletion of his/her personal data. Such data shall be kept for a period of five years.


Any disputes relating to the interpretation or the execution of this contract are to be dealt with exclusively by the courts of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. The laws governing this contract are those of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg

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